UK PCS MAINS Writing Practice – 22nd Nov,2015

UK PCS MAINS Writing Practice – 22nd Nov,2015
Syllabus (uttarakhand economy) : Main features of economy of state.Natural resource-water,forest mineral etc.

Question 1: Describe the criteria of special category status given to states.what benefit Uttarakhand is getting from being special category state? (125 words)
Question 2 :Why economy of uttarakhand is described as money order economy? (50 words)
Question 3 : Describe the main features of economy of uttarakhand .Analyse the growth and development of uttarakhand  since its formation.(250 WORDS)
Question 4 :Uttarakhand is rich state in natural resources but could not exploit its full potential .do you agree with the statement ?(250 words)
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